This is a terrific app if you have proper expectations. While it is simply impossible to "learn all chords in one hour" (jazz and classical greats spend DECADES trying to do that), it IS possible to learn HOW the basic chords are constructed.
This app combines a small amount of music theory with the layout of the frets. Starting with a basic chord shape, D for example, you learn why it is a D based on the Root, 3rd, and 5th. Then you learn what adjustments are needed to turn it into other chords (7th, 9, sus, Maj7, etc). This same process continues for the other basic chord shapes.
I will add that while the app uses the basic shapes of D, A, C, E, and G, it does not have anything to do with the "CAGED" system, nor does it even mention that.
I would classify this app as a music theory app with three differences/improvements: it is specific to the guitar, it is PRACTICAL, and you wont get all the theoretical stuff (circle of fifths, etc).
Namssob about OneHour Guitar Chord Method, v1.32